Writeswell Jr. will be frequently upgraded and new features added. To receive notification of upgrades please register by sending us your name and address!
A future version will handle pictures so you don't have to read this with TeachText.
Version 1.0.2:
Added a new feature - if Spellswell 7 or Spellswell 7 Demo is in the same folder the -first- time Writeswell Jr. runs it is installed in the Services menu automatically. To cause this to happen, throw away the Writeswell Jr. Preferences file, found in the Preferences forler which is in the System Folder.
Fixed scroll bar bug.
Fixed bug with Cancel from Print dialog.
Writeswell Jr. is a product of:
Working Software, Inc.
740 Front Street, #318
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Mail to:
P.O. Box 1844
Santa Cruz, CA 95061-1844
Sales Dept., for orders: 800-229-9675
VOICE: (408) 423-5696
FAX: (408) 423-5699
Electronic Mail Addresses:
AppleLink: D0140
Working Software has a customer service area on CompuServe. From any CompuServe prompt, type GO MACBVEN (Apple Vendor's Forum B). Leave messages in section 10 of MACBVEN, or send private messages to 76004,2072.
Working Software maintains a forum on America Online. Our forum keyword is WORKING. You may also send private messages to screen name WORKINGSW.
Internet: 76004.2072@compuserve.com
Writeswell Jr. is a -free- Apple Events mini-word-processor/text-editor with font and style menus. It opens, saves and prints text documents. Copy it to your computer. Please register with Working Software to receive updates and our newsletter "Hard Working Times."
Writeswell Jr.'s "Services" menu allows you to add any and all "services" that use Apple Events Word Services. These services are programs the work with the text in your document, such as spelling and grammar checkers, hyphenators, envelope addressers, and anything else that software developers can think up. If these programs work with Apple Events Word Services, they can be added to Writeswell Jr.'s Services menu.
Please register with Working Software to receive updates and information about "Services" that work with Writeswell Jr.
This Writeswell Jr. READ ME file contains operation instructions for the Writeswell Jr. program. We have divided this file into the following sections:
–Attention Users!!_
_What is Writeswell Jr.?_
_IAC, Apple Events, and Word Services_
_Using Writeswell Jr._
_Apple Events Word Services_
_Adding a Service To Writeswell Jr._
_Removing a Service From Writeswell Jr._
_Other Writeswell Jr. Information_
_Writeswell Jr. Source Code Available_
_How To Contact Working Software_
_Copying and Distributing_
–Attention Users!!_
Writeswell Jr. is free. Please register your copy with Working Software by U.S. Mail or via an electronic mail service. We support registered owners with notices of upgrades and the Working Software newsletter, _The Hard Working Times_.
_What is Writeswell Jr.?_
Writeswell Jr. is a “mini” word processor that does something very special (on Macs running System 7). It could blow all those big, klunky, memory-guzzling word-processing programs out of the water.
We call Writeswell Jr. a “mini” word processor, and we mean MINI. No ruler, no tabs, no pictures. Definitely no spreadsheets (hey... it's free!).
_IAC, Apple Events, and Word Services_
System 7 includes something called Inter-Application Communication (IAC) which allows separate programs to communicate with each other while running. Because of this communication ability, software publishers can break large programs into smaller parts (or modules) that operate as separate programs. The separate programs can appear to operate as a single program.
Certain IAC messages that applications send to each other are called Apple Events. One program might send an Apple Event telling a receiving program to perform a certain task. After performing the task, the receiving program can return an Apple Event to the first program. One kind of Apple Event might be an instruction to send text from a word processor to a spelling checker.
Working Software, Inc. developed a specific set of Apple Events for programs that process text, named the “Word Services” Apple Event Suite. Apple Computer, Inc. has endorsed the Word Services Suite as the industry standard.
The Word Services Apple Event Suite defines a standard language that Macintosh text processing applications use to communicate with one another. Any Macintosh application that includes the Word Services Suite can use any external spelling or grammar checker, hyphenator, or other text-editing utility that uses the Word Services Suite as if the utility is built into the application itself.
Writeswell Jr. is a “Word Services” application. Working Software, Inc’s Spellswell 7 spelling checker is a “Word Service”.
_Using Writeswell Jr._
1. Copy Writeswell Jr. onto your Hard Disk.
Drag the Writeswell Jr. icon over your Hard Disk icon until the Hard Disk icon highlights and release the mouse button.
2. Double-click the Writeswell Jr. icon to open the Writeswell Jr. program.
A window, named “New Window” opens. You can type anything you want. You can change fonts and styles. You can even Save your documents and Print them.
If you do not have System 7, please do not fret. You can use Writeswell Jr. as a “mini” word-processor for simple documents, for taking notes, for examining text files, or even for practicing your Macintosh skills.
Please enjoy your free gift from us.
If you have System 7, please continue. You can add Spellswell 7 (or any other “Word Service”) as a built-in menu item to check your documents.
_Apple Events Word Services_
Mighty Disclaimer!!! In order to take advantage of Writeswell Jr’s “Word Services” feature, you must have System 7 installed on your Macintosh. Writeswell Jr. contains the Word Services technology. Any service program (that you wish to install in the Services menu of Writeswell Jr.) must ALSO have this capability. By “service” we mean spelling or grammar checker, hyphenator, or other text processing utility.
Unsure if your favorite program supports Word Services yet?
Please contact the publisher of your program and ask.
_Adding a Service To Writeswell Jr._
This section provides specific instructions for adding a Check Spelling menu item (Spellswell 7) to Writeswell Jr. If you want to add a different “Word Service” to Writeswell Jr., just insert the name of the other program everywhere you see “Spellswell 7”. For more information about Spellswell 7 or if you want to purchase Spellswell 7, please contact Working Software at the address listed below.
1. To add “Check Spelling” (or other word service command) to the Services menu of Writeswell Jr., first double-click the Spellswell 7 icon.
2. Double-click Writeswell Jr’s icon to open Writeswell Jr.
3. A blank window named “New Window” opens.
4. Type the sentence, “This is a teset.”
(This user got carried away a bit.)
5. Choose Get New Service from the Services menu.
6. When the Program-to-Program Communication (PPC) Browser appears, highlight the name Spellswell 7 and click OK.
System 7’s Program-to-Program-Communication Browser (shown below) tells you what Macintosh computers are in your local network, which AppleTalk Zones you can access, and how many Apple Event Aware Programs are open. Read the “Chooser” and “Network” sections of your Macintosh Manuals for information about networks and zones.
Now, Writeswell Jr. should have a Check Spelling menu item. Once you have added this menu item, Writeswell Jr. remembers to open Spellswell 7 when you choose the Check Spelling menu item (unless you do something silly, like throw Spellswell 7 in the Trash).
7. Check the spelling of your Writeswell Jr. test document by choosing the Check Spelling menu item.
Writeswell Jr. sends an “Apple Event” to Spellswell 7. This Apple Event instructs Spellswell 7 to get the text out of the Writeswell Jr. document and spell-check it. Writeswell Jr. and Spellswell 7 operate (seamlessly and modularly) as if they are the same program. You cannot tell that two separate programs are processing your text. That is the beauty of the Apple Events “Word Services” Suite.
Note - If your “Word Service” utility’s dialog hides the Writeswell Jr. window, then drag the “Word Service” utility’s dialog or Writeswell Jr’s window around the screen until you can view them both. (Click the title bars to drag the windows around the screen.)
_Removing a Service From Writeswell Jr._
These instructions demonstrate removal of the service called “Acme Hyphenator”.
1. Choose Remove Service from the Services menu.
2. When the Remove Service dialog appears, highlight the name of the service you want to remove.
3. Click Remove.
4. Click Done.
Now, the removed service no longer appears in the Services menu.
_Other Writeswell Jr. Information_
If you choose Options… from the Edit menu, you see the Programmer Options dialog. The choices refer to the different ways “Word Services” programs can transfer text back and forth.
_Writeswell Jr. Source Code Available_
The source code for Writeswell Jr. is available through many electronic services and directly from Working Software, Inc. This source code not only demonstrates the use of Apple Events, but also can teach programmers who are new to Macintosh development about menus, windows, file saving, printing, creation of Preferences files, dialogs, custom menus, scroll bars, and much more.
From America Online:
Enter the Macintosh Development Forum (use keyword “mdv” or “macdevelopment”).
Click the Software Library Search button.
Open the Developers Library
Search for “Writeswell”
From CompuServe:
Look in the tools library of the Mac Developers Forum (GO MACDEV). Use the browse command to search for keyword "writeswell".
From the Internet:
Download the sources via anonymous ftp from sumex-aim.stanford.edu. The Writeswell Jr. sources are in the file info-mac/sources/c/writeswell-jr.hqx
From AppleLink:
Download the file “Apple Events Word Services SDK”. The path is:
Developer Support
Developer Services
Tools & Apps
Apple Events
From the Apple Developer CD:
The Writeswell Jr. sources can be found by opening the following sequence of folders:
Tools & Apps
Apple Events
Word Services
Be sure your Apple Developer CD has version 1.0 or later of the Writeswell Jr. sources. A preliminary version, 1.0d6, appeared on the CD starting in July 1992.
To receive a Writeswell Jr. Source Code disk by U.S. Mail, please send a $6 shipping & handling fee to cover the cost of the disk and shipping to the address listed below.
_How To Contact Working Software_
Working Software, Inc.
P.O. Box 1844
Santa Cruz, CA 95061-1844
VOICE: (408) 423-5696
FAX: (408) 423-5699
Electronic Mail Addresses:
AppleLink: D0140
Working Software has a customer service area on CompuServe. From any CompuServe prompt, type GO MACBVEN (Apple Vendor's Forum B). Leave messages in section 10 of MACBVEN, or send private messages to 76004,2072.
Working Software maintains a forum on America Online. Our forum keyword is WORKING. You may also send private messages to screen name WORKINGSW.
Internet: 76004.2072@compuserve.com
_Copying and Distributing_
Please feel free to copy the Writeswell Jr. program. Be sure to register Writeswell Jr. with Working Software, Inc. We support registered owners with notices of upgrades and the Working Software newsletter _Hard Working Times_.